andrew konoff dot net
welcome to my cool website

Backflipping my way out of depression

Here’s a trick that may work for you too if you’re depressed, but which you should try even if you’re just moderately-to-seriously stuck.

It’s a trick I learned on vacation after an especially tumultuous period in my life, after I’d already changed a bunch of things I thought were actually responsible for my depression, when I realized that I still wasn’t getting much better. It’s merely a trick for when things should be moving but aren’t, and not a substitute for medication (if you need it) and therapy (which we all need).

I learned how to backflip.

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Welcome to my Cool Web Site

Recapturing the web of my adolescence

Welcome to my blog. In the year 2018, it’s rumoured that blogs will matter even less than they do already. The truth is — they don’t matter to me a whole lot right now. I’ve been writing on Medium for the last long while. It’s just easier to rack up views there, and though I kept paying Digital Ocean $10 a month to host a Ghost blog, it really only acted as a place where I could put writing samples and anti-startup jeremiads (which I’d keep in my drafts, tbh).

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Move (really) fast and make things – with Cookiecutter

A few weeks ago, after Rdio announced that they’d be closing up shop, I sprang into action to make an app called Byedio. It would be an app to painlessly transfer your songs from Rdio to Spotify in one click, and it would have to start doing this soon - before Rdio actually shut down!

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